London, England

I went to England for "work" in October 2000. I spent time in Weymouth and London. In London, I met up with two American friends who both happened to be living in Sweden at the time (Faith and Lisa). The three of us, plus Rich, the other person from work, then spent a few days doing sightseeing in London.

I took a bunch of pictures (almost 5 rolls!), but I lost almost all of my color ones because the light meter on the camera I had borrowed for those shots was broken (grrrr!!!!).

Fortunately, Lisa had a camera and took some pictures too. My B&W pictures came out fine (with my camera). I'll scan those in at some point.

* [Frank In London] Frank trying to look hip while having something that identifies the location as "London" in the picture. (Oct 2000)

* [Lisa in London] Lisa grooving in London, trying to imitate Frank (similar jacket, but no hat...repeat: subject is hatless!) and looking cool. (Oct 2000)

* [England's Message to Frank] "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dork." It was like the sign was speaking right to me. I didn't have a Hawaiian shirt, but I did have two cameras around my neck. You can't quite see that I'm scratching my head in puzzlement trying to understand what that there sign wants me to do. (Oct 2000)

* [Frank and Faith in London] Frank and Faith posing at night in London. In case you can't guess, this is why we had to take the picture (Note: Faith's last name is "Short"). (Oct 2000)

This page last modified Jul 05, 2009.
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