Are YOU a Friend of Frank?

Friends of Frank

Across the different Eras...
[Family] [Old Friends] [Undergrad] [California] [Grad] [Postdoc] [ORA/ATC-NY] [Cayuga Networks] [Ithaca Friends] [Flying] [Frisbee] [Beyond]

Links are included for ones that have web pages. Names are listed if I still have some contact with them. Gray names mean they've fallen off the face of the earth or they HAD a web page and let it decay into dust.


Beyond Time (The Old Ones)

Undergrad/Univ. of Michigan/Ann Arbor

But WAIT, there's more!

Amdahl/California (Sunnyvale)
There are few connections I have with people from The California Era.

The Columbus/Grad School Era

Grad School

OSU-CIS Staff Refugees

Ohio State, Columbus, or otherwise related


Xerox Design Research Institute (DRI)


Odyssey Research Associates/

Cayuga Networks

Hexordia is a fully distributed company with people spread out across the country. I've only met a few people a few times in person, so for now, I'll include those.

Ithaca Friends

And also ...


I've been a member of the East Hill Flying Club since 1995 and met a lot of people through that. I have a separate page on flying; this is just about the people I know through flying.

Ultimate Frisbee

I've been playing pick-up Ultimate for a few years. OK, let's update that...since around 1997 or 1998. It's mostly Cornell grad students, though some Ithaca locals, and other people. It's a fun group. Check out the Ithaca Area Ultimate Alliance web site for all your Ithaca Ultimate needs. I've met a bunch of cool people here throughout the years.

And don't forget ...

PreModern / Modern / PostModern

Have I forgotten anyone?
Of course I have.
Is it intentional?
Sure, why not.
How do people become a Friend of Frank?
All you have to do is remind me and send me a link, and I'll add you to the list of the Friends of Frank (FoF).

This page last modified Aug 21, 2024.
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