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[My Trusty Olympus OM-1] [My Trusty Nikon D7000]

Frank Photography

(I'd call it "The Photos of Frank" but that sounds too much like it's some extended photo shoot of me. I mean pictures that I (generally) have taken.)

I like to take pictures. I like B&W photography and have played around with developing, but never seem to have the time. Up until 2006, I shot pictures exclusively using film with my Olympus OM-1, shown above. I had, in the past, used an Olympus OM-G, but gave it away to a friend. The OM-1 was a solid, reliable camera. Eventually, I could no longer get batteries for it. It used mercury cells for the light meter, and silver cell batteries had a different voltage which would screw up the metering. I had used it long enough that I could probably guess, but with film you don't really want to have to guess at the exposures all the time.

After 2006 or so, I started taking pictures with various borrowed digital cameras, from very small and portable point-and-shoots, to proper digital SLRs. I never saw anything I really liked, and it was always a compromise of cost, size, resolution, quality, and so on. Film was being sold at fewer and fewer places, and there were not many places to get it developed. All of the local camera and print stores in town went out of business, so even getting a print required mailing something or using the Internet. It was obvious that film cameras were becoming a relic of the past.

My niece asked me to take pictures of her wedding, which was in the summer of 2012. That served as a motivation for me to get off the fence and get a digital camera. I decided to get a Nikon D-7000, digital SLR camera. And then the Nikon factor in Thailand was destroyed by a tsunami. Six months after the flood, in March of 2013, my new camera arrived and I went on a digital photo bender.

It's a nice camera and the pictures it takes often come out pretty well. Probably more the camera and the situation than the photographer. But on occasion, there are cool pictures. Below are a few samples.

The rest of this web page is divided into three sections: People, Places, and Things.

Note: Flying pictures (planes, airports, en route, etc.) are generally in the Flying section.


Click on the blue circles on the map of the US below for pictures from that location. Or just scroll down for a brief description of the photo sets. Note that there are two pages of descriptions, since I've got more than one page's worth of photos online.

Non-continuental US locations currently are Alaska, Hawaii, England, Ireland, and Peru (Nova Scotia is folded in with the Maine trip).

map of USA Santa Cruz Asheville, NC Philadelphia, PA Storm King Arts Center, NY San Francisco/Bay Area Columbus, Ohio Albany, NY Washington, DC Clevleand, OH Holden Beach, NC Key West, FL Bolder, CO Madison, WI Boston, MA Martha's Vineyard, MA Flagstaff, AZ Phoenix, AZ San Diego, CA Seattle, WA Maine/Nova Scotia Portland, OR Ithaca, NY
Too many photo sets.
Look in the text section below to select one. hiking in the Adirondacks Ann Arbor, MI Venice, FL

Niagara Falls, Canada
May 2024

I took a quick trip with two friends up to Niagara-on-the-Lake with a visit to Niagra Falls, in Ontario, Canada. Here are some pictures of the quaint little town and the not-so-quaint, massive falls. 54 pictures.

March 2024

I went to Spain for a conference from March 16-31, for a conference for the first week, and for exploration and tourist fun for the 2nd week. The main cities included Zaragoza, Granada, and Madrid. I saw two Muslin-era castles, Aljaferia in Zaragoxa, and the Alhambra in Granada. I also explored the northern areas by the foothills of the Pyrinees Mountains, maybe 50 miles from the French border. Lots of fun and lots of photos. Starting with Zaragoa 20 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
January 2024

Snow and cold yielded to rain and lesser cold. But then, from that arose an impenetrable fog that enshrouded the area, isolating all, forcing those unfortunate enough to be within its embrace to face their inner fears and speak and write in ominous ways. Such could only come from a Fog...of DOOOOM! To document it for those who might remain, I took a walk around the neighborhood and took some pictures of the fog...of DOOOOM 20 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
January 2024

Once again, there was some snow out, so I took some pictures before it all melted the next day. This time it was Sapsucker Woods and Sunset Park, both of which are nearby. 24 pictures.

Boston, MA
October 2023

I stopped in Boston for a few days to visit some friends. I explored two places while there and took pictures. A wooded area by a reservoir called The Fells and The deCordova Sculpture Park. The first was scenic with fall colors and the second had lots of cool and sometimes odd artwork. 52 pictures for the former and 69 pictures for the later (that's 121 for those keeping score).

Martha's Vineyard, MA
October 2023

I spent a few days on Martha's Vineyard in mid-October and hung out with my sister. Here are some photos, starting with the ferry trip. About 140 pictures and 1 video.

March 2023

I went to Germany from March 16-30, 2023 for a conference and fun, spending time in Stuttgart, Koblenz, Cologne, Bonn, Munich, and Frankfort and took pictures of some stuff along the way, beginning with The Arrival.

Ithaca, NY
January 2023

It was cold and snowy, so I took some pictures of the Winter white lack-of-color in the neighborhood by me. 16 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
October 2022

I took some pictures of fall colors on the South Hill Recreation Trail plus a few of the 6 Mile Creek dam and another hot air balloon in the area. 28 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
October 2022

I took some pictures of fall colors in Ithaca Falls plus a hot air balloon in the area. 11 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
October 2022

I took some pictures of a really neat sunset while standing outside my apartment. It was quite striking. 10 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
September 2022

I took some picture of our first Fall League frisbee game of 2022. Hightlights include not only frisbee game pictures but some of a cool orange (also) full moon! 34 pictures

Ithaca, NY
August 2022

Once again I tried to get some pictures of the Perseid Meteor Shower from the top of Mt. Pleasant. I thought I didn't get any, but it looks like I might have got a few at the end. 16 pictures

Martha's Vineyard, MA
October 2021

I went to Martha's Vineyard October 7-12, 2021, to visit my sister and help her close up the place for the winter. Since it was late in the season, it wasn't crowded at all, and the weather wound up being very warm and pleasant. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we mostly walked around where we could be outside and not around tons of people. The weather was conducive to that. I took a bunch of pictures of stuff, including cliffs, beaches, high tides, a few night shots, and more, and have a few nice panoramic shots of places like the Aquinnah Cliffs and Menemsha. There are 6 subpages organized by topic rather than chronologically, so let's start with the glassworks.

About 150 pictures total, across 6 subpages, most of which have around 15-20 pictures each, except for the last one that has 64.

Ithaca, NY
July 2021

My friends Nate and Diane were in town visiting family. We met up at Upper Treman Park and hiked around by the falls and the rim trail. I took some pictures of us, the falls, and the area, including some composite photos (inlcuding a somewhat patchy but big one of Lucifer Falls composed of 19 individual images). It was a nice day for a walk. 20 pictures

Ithaca, NY
October 2020

I took a few fall pictures around Ithaca and vicinity. Some have proper fall colors, others are a bit gray and foreboding, hinting of seasons to come, or perhaps reminders of seasons that have passed. Also, there was a backhoe in my backyard. 20 pictures

Ithaca, NY
July 2020

The Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was visible just after dusk for a little while, so I went to Sunset Park and took some pictures of it plus a few of the sunset colors over the lake. 10 pictures

Ithaca, NY
July 2020

I went out at night just around the corner from where I live and took some pictures of fireflies! They were putting on quite a show. In the low light some of the pictures look almost like paintings. 13 pictures and 3 videos.

Ithaca, NY
June 2020

I went on a lunchtime walk with a couple of friends and their dog. After discovering the initial park was too crowded, we went to Ithaca College which was devoid of people (and zombies). I took some pictures of our walk. I took a few shots of Cayuga Lake but I only had a wide angle lens with me so it's barely visible. Also some shots of the woods, flowers, and other stuff. Around a dozen pictures.

Ithaca, NY
June 2020

A few pictures taken while riding my bike around Cayuga Heights and the Village of Lansing on a Sunday in late mid-to-late June. 17 pictures.

World's End State Park, PA
October 2019

10 years after our initial visit to World's End State Park in Pennsylvania, Deepak and I returned to World's End. We went on a long hike. It rained a little, the sky was overcast, and the trees were not at peak color, but we had fun. I took around 20 pictures.

Belmont, MA
October 2019

I hiked around the Audubon Habitat Wildife Sanctuary in Belmont, MA (Boston suburb) with my friend Tom. I took a few pictures of turtles trains and trees. Around 15 pictures.

Martha's Vineyard, MA
September 2019

I visted my sister on Martha's Vineyard at the end of September and beginning of October. Saw some nice sunsets, hiked at Felix Neck, and visited the MVY musuem. Photo highlights of those and more. Almost 80 pictures.

Binghamton, NY
September 2019

I went to the Binghamton Luma Festival, which involves projecting images and videos on buildings at night. It had some cool stuff. I took some pictures, about 80 are included. Around 80 pictures.

Ithaca, NY
August 2019

There's a secret swamp just behind the Ithaca Airport. I noticed it while riding my bike and then went back and took some pictures of it. See if you can spot the Swamp Thing! 15 pictures.

Treman Park
Ithaca, NY
July 2019

My friends Catherine, Cabot, and Carina visited me in Ithaca and we went for a hike in Treman Park and saw gorges and waterfalls, despite it being "balls hot" outside. Here are 25 pictures from that outing.

Chicago, IL
April 1986

Yes, 1986! I found some old pictures from undergrad days in a box on a weekend road trip to Chicago with Jim to visit my brother and see some sights. I'm only including 8 pictures from that era.

April 2019

I went to Norway for two weeks from April 14-28, 2019, starting in Bergen, then going through the interior with a stop in Flåm, and then onto Oslo. The first week was vacation, then a conference in Oslo, then another day or so before the trip home. I traveled Norway with Stephanie, and once in Oslo, Faith joined in on the fun. I took a lot of pictures. I cut the list down some and broke them up into different sections so each "album" wouldn't have that many pictures, but it now goes from Part 1 to Part 21. Part 1: To Bergen is where it begins.

Ithaca, NY
April 2019

The History Center in Tompkins County offered a tour of the former Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad station, otherwise known as the Ithaca Train Station. I went there with a few friends. Cool stuff. I had a new wide-angle lens I wanted to try out, and I did.

Watkins Glen, NY
June 2018

I went to Watkins Glen with a friend and hiked around a bit and took pictures of the gorge and waterfalls. It was summer and parts of the gorge were shaded while others were brightly illuminated. The leaves on the trees above were bright green, and the sandstone and shale were light and dark browns. Very different from my pictures there from Fall 2004.

April 2018

I went to England for a 10-day vacation, saw lots stuff in places like Alnwick, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, York, Cambridge, and more. There are a lot of pictures (around 600) spread across 15 sections, starting with The Arrival.

Ithaca, NY
January 2018

A few pictures from a warm, sunny day in January including Ithaca Falls and broken ice on the ground.

November 2017

Even though it was mostly just a costumed game of pickup ultimate, it still counted as our annual Halloween Hat Tournament.

Ithaca, NY
August 2017

Pictures from the annual August Perseids meteor shower, taken from Mt. Pleasant, near the observatory.

Ithaca, NY
July 2017

We got a lot of rain in a 30-60 minute period which caused some flooding at my apartment complex. I was lucky and am on high ground. Others, less so.

Ithaca, NY
July 2017

A few pictures of highlights of the July 3rd, 2017 fireworks.

Martha's Vineyard, MA
June 2017

I flew to Martha's Vineyard, off Cape Cod, to visit my sister and spend a few days on The Island. Included are some photo highlights from some hikes, some exploring of Vineyard Haven, and some wandering by the beach and water.

Ithaca, NY
March 2017

An aborted hike by Sapsucker Woods on a snowy, cold day in March (lousy Smarch weather).

February 2017

Some pictures from the Roy Park Nature Preserve on a February day during a stretch of freakishly warm weather.

October 2016

Another entry keeping with the theme of putting photos from our local ultimate frisbee group's costume Halloween Hat Tournament.

Pacific Northwest
August 2016

It started with me flying out to San Francisco and then (foolishly) driving to Sacramento for work (no photos). Then going to the DFRWS conference in Seattle. After that, my friend Mowgli and I began our Great Pacific Northwest road trip, for a little over a week across the Pacific Northwest. It started in Seattle, then went up to Vancouver, BC, in Canada, including spending the day at the Butchart Gardens near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, BC. After that, we headed south back to the US, stopping overnight in Olympia, the capital of Washington state, and then into Portland, OR for a few days, including spending a day by the Pacific Coast near Tillamook, OR.

I took a LOT of pictures. Around 560 are included across the six pages.

Start with the Seattle ones and continue from there.

Santa Cruz, CA
July 2016

I had a quit work trip to Santa Cruz. I flew into San Francisco, then drove down Highway 1, spent a day down there, then back, and home on a red-eye flight. I still had time to take a few pictures. A quick trip, but still some pretty places.

April 2016

I went to the Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell to see the installation by Matthew Schrieber called Crossbow that consists of a room filled with lasers! It was neat.

January 2016

A neighboring building in my apartment complex caught fire last night. Three fire departments responded, got it under control and put it out. I took some pictures of the building on fire and a few the next day.

October 2015

Once again, our local ultimate frisbee group had our in-costume Halloween Hat Tournament. And I brought my camera. At some point I really should reorganize the topics on this page. But that point is not here or now.

May 2015

I went to Stavanger and Oslo, Norway for a conference and a few days of fun and being a tourist, May 17-24, 2015. I took lots of pictures. Highlights in 5 sections, including Stavanger, Downtown Oslo, a boat tour of Oslo, the Frogner Park/Vigeland Statue park, and the return home. Just under 350 pictures total. It begin here in Stavanger, Norway.

Ithaca, NY
Feburary 2015

It was cold in February so we got a lot of ice on Cayuga Lake. I walked out on the frozen lake and took a few pictures.

Ithaca, NY
Feburary 2015

A few pictures of winter in February with some snow and ice and icicles, including frozen and snow-covered Cascadilla Falls. Ithaca in Winter is pretty though a bit cold (about 10°F).

Cascadilla Falls, Ithaca, NY
October 2014

It was fall, past the peak leaf season, but the leaves still had some nice colors. So I went by Cascadilla Falls and the gorge trail and took some pictures.

Ithaca Falls, Ithaca, NY
September 2014

Some pictures taken by my friend Ellen of an art installation at Ithaca Falls on a Friday night, including me playing with a sort of papier-mache bird on a pole.

Jennings Pond, Danby, NY
May 2014

I wandered around Jennings Pond, just south of Ithaca with friends Rob and Stephanie. Here are a few photo highlights from it.

Asheville, NC
March 2014

I took a jaunt down to Asheville, NC with a friend. We explored the downtown area, happened to see a Mardi Gras parade, saw a concert with Marillion guitarist Steve Rothery, and drove home on the scenic and beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway.

Ithaca, NY
February 2014

Cayuga Lake had ice on it. So I hike out on it and took some pictures.

Ithaca, NY
January 2014

I hiked around Sapsucker Woods on a snowy day in January.

Also, I took pictures of some ice fog on Cayuga Lake from Stewart Park when it was around 3°F out.

Martha's Vineyard
September 2013

I took a trip to Martha's Vineyard to visit my parents and sister.

Boston, MA
September 2013

Next up, after Martha's Vineyard, I visited Tom and Sara in Boston and we went to Walden Pond.

Rochester, NY
September 2013

After Walden, I spent a couple days in Rochester, NY and saw High Falls and the Fringe Festival.

Philadelphia, PA
August 2013

I visited Philadelphia, PA, with my friend Stephanie, seeing some of the historic sites in the city.

Oshkosh, WI
July 2013

I flew out to Oshkosh, WI, to the EAA Airventure aviation festival. Photo highlihts include the flight out, airshows, airplanes, the return flight, and more.

Mountainville, NY
June 2013

Antonia, Rob, and I spent the day at the Storm King Arts Center to see the wall Andy Goldsworthy had built as well as other "arts".

Ithaca, NY
February 2013

It snowed here (a little) on a Friday and there was some snow left on Saturday to play snow ultimate on before it melted on Sunday. A few "action shots."

Ithaca, NY
October 2012

Technically, this is a "thing" and not a "place", but I'm lazy, so it goes here. This past weekend was our annual ultimate frisbee Halloween Hat Tournament. People play in costume. This year, I went as Arthur, sidekick to the Tick. I have some photo highlights of costumes and some on-field plays of the Halloween Hat Tournament.

Ithaca, NY
September 2012

I went to the Apple Festival in Ithaca. Wandered around, saw all things relating to apples and the frying of things (including apples), also arts and crafts. It was quite crowded. Photo highlights of the Apple Fest 2012.

Venice, FL
January 2013

I took a trip to visit my parents in Florida in January. We went to Humphris Park, which is by Casey Pass and has a nice jetty, and also went to the Venice Area Audubon Rookery and saw various birds. Here are some pictures from the trip.

Part 2 of the photo archive covers locations from 1998-2008 and includes Albany, NY, Cleveland, OH, Holden Beach, NC, The Finger Lakes Cheese Trail, Ludlowville Falls, NY, Shenandoah National Park, VA, Ireland (including Dublin and Gallway), Alaska (including Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Seward), Portland, OR, Worlds End State Park, PA, Martha's Vineyard, MA, Key West, FL, Columbus, Oh, Washington, DC, Ithaca, NY, Ricketts Glen, PA, Boston, MA, Madison, WI, Flagstaff and Phoenix, AZ, San Francisco and San Diego, CA, , Seattle, WA, Maine, Hawaii, Nova Scotia, Canada, England and Peru. Check it out.


Moof and Frank, 1983

Moof just sent me this picture that was taken when we were at band camp in 1983. He got it through that strange "book of faces" thing I keep hearing about, from someone that went to high school with us, a year behind us (Hi, Rhoda!). I'm wearing our yellow class t-shirt (listed all the names of our graduates) and have a lot more hair. Moof is in shorts and is thin. Though as he had said, I do look rather "schlumpy." Yes, my fashion sense is about the same as it was almost 30 years ago.


An old picture, but a fun one. A friend and co-worker from OSU, Tom Fine, circa 1993, did his best impression of himself in the future (yes, I'm a cruel bastard, but only because he's a friend...). Speaking of that, I have to dig up a picture of his Halloween costume... This was taken in my office in Bolz Hall at Ohio State (before we moved to the new building).

[Update] In August of 2004, I visited Tom, his wife Sara, and their 3 year old son Zachary. Here are a few pictures. One of me, Zachary, and Tom on the subway in Boston (they have a subway in Boston?). Another of me and Zachary in a park along the (Charles?) River by Harvard (the caption was too good for me to delete). One of me and Sara at the Hanscom Airport in front of the plane I flew in on. Note that Sara is wearing a "Flying Karamazov Brothers" t-shirt. We all saw the show (and I have a similar shirt, just like the one I had 25 years earlier(!!)). The Flying Karamazov Brothers are a group of jugglers. Very talented and funny (though they are neither Russian nor brothers). Tom and I used to juggle "back in the day" at OSU. Two shots of us seeing if we could remember the old ways. Note the koosh-balls in mid-air in these "action shots."

And after many, many, many years, Tom and Sara actually successfully visited me in Ithaca in August of 2014. Here are some pictures I took from their visit, and some pictures Sara took.

Casa Blanca

I went to a showing of Casa Blanca put on by the history department, Fall 2001. Period attire was encouraged. My friend, Leigh Anne, who was the classes TA, her advisor, the professor of the course, his wife, and I were the only ones to dress up. Still, it was fun. I'd just like to point out that in the picture, my cigarette is merely rolled up paper. I didn't want them to get money for such a prop. And it's hard to put a costume together with almost no preparation (this was due to laziness, not short notice).


I was in Detroit in March, 2002, and had dinner with my former college roommate Matt the Dufus. His wife took a picture of us professing our love of the world (in a punk rock sort of way).

UMich Friends

Here's a shot of a group of us in Ann Arbor for Karen Mirisola's wedding in June, 2002. Actually, it was Northville, MI, the reception was in Ann Arbor. The majority of people in the picture attended the University of Michigan together, "back in the day." Actually, there were four pictures taken, all of which had some problem with them. But through the magic of photoshop, I could extract one good one.

From left to right, back to front, the players are: Michelle and Jim Kaplan, Frank (me); Kevin and Gwen Berg-Hartnett (Kevin's holding Matthew), Kendy and Keith Markman, Stacey Farb, Mary Arnold, Holly ???, and Susan Potoroka. Photo taken by Paul Arnold.

Sadly (perhaps?) I was obscurred in all shots, so not even Photoshop could salvage that. Just a moment...just a moment...perhaps I spoke too soon. (Actually, to me the addition isn't as frightening as the fact that it's so easy to eliminate someone from a photo. My apologies to Matthew.)


Neel Jain came to Cornell to recruit for the Evil Empire. His departure from Ithaca heralded my arrival. His wife took two shots from his hotel room in The Statler (photo1 and photo2). The pictures are somewhat big (600K).

Dison New Year's

I've attended a number of New Year's Eve parties at Catherine and Cabot's place. Anna, a former student of Cath's, often has some festivities at her place. Here's a picture of the group at Anna's place in January 2004 plus a who's who. And a shot from December of 2005 of me and Carina "on the steps, talking about life," at Cath and Cabot's house.


My sister came to Ithaca to visit me in April 2006! Over 10 years in the making! About 45 pictures of her, her friend Tom, and me at Sunset Park, the Cornell Plantations and the Johnson Art Museum.

Frank and George

I didn't take this one, but it's a cute shot. I was visiting Jim and Michelle Kaplan in Cleveland in June 2004, and was holding their son George who was a little over a year old. He was pretty big (>30 lbs). Oddly, there's nothing particularly twisted about this picture. Karen (Mirisola) Wiarda can be seen doing the dishes in the background.

DFRWS'04 Rodeo

At the 2004 Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS04) in Baltimore, MD, in August I participated in the "forensic rodeo." Here's a picture of our team (going from right to left, Golden Richard, me, Pete Ware, and his son Bill (you know, like father, like son)). Golden, Pete, and I attended grad school together at Ohio State.

I suppose I should mention that we came in second (out of two) to the other team, that had Eoghan Casey, Brian Carrier, and Kulesh Shanmugasundaram on it. While they're all cool guys, last year (2003) we lost to them because of a hocky question. A hockey question! This year, the evidence disks were improperly imaged when they were given to the teams, so most of the questions could not be answered and they were declared the winner because well...because. We pretty much discovered the same information, but they presented a bit more. And I think we clearly had the advantage of having a cute kid on our team. I suppose there's always next year.

Oh, and by the way, I'm not bitter!

Umich Friends in Ann Arbor

In June 2005, a bunch of us that attended the University of Michigan for undergrad got together at Keith and Kendy's place in Columbus, OH. This is similar to the group that attended Karen's Wedding but this time no photoshop tricks. Here's a picture of the group, and here's a map in case you want to know who's who.

Dad's birthday
Venice, FL
April, 2013

Pictures from my dad's birthday in Florida. We had a small gathering of people to celebrate.


Around December of 2000, I loaned Tania my car. She had never heard of a gas door release latch before. She has the strength of 20. Hilarity and structural damage ensued.

N.O. Food Fest
June 2005

I was in New Oreleans in June of 2005, and had a food fest with my friend Golden and some others. It didn't suck.

Mushroom Soup
February 2008

Here's a quick shot of some porcini mushroom soup I made (February 2008). It was pretty good.

Fingerlakes Fireworks
July 2012

Two nights of fireworks in a row. I went with some friends to see fireworks at Myers Point in Lansing, just a bit up the road from Ithaca on July 1, 2012. That was the first time I've taken pictures of fireworks. Got some decent shots. And the next day, July 2, 2012, the city of Ithaca had a fireworks display at Stewart Park. Again, more pictures.

Cornell Library
August 2012

The History of Human Imagination exhibit on tour from the Walker Library was in the Kroch Library at Cornell. It had a Sputnik, and Enigma, Canterbury Tales, an Eye of Sauron and more.

Ithaca, NY
September 2012

I went to the Apple Festival in Ithaca. Wandered around, saw all things relating to apples and the frying of things (including apples), also arts and crafts. It was quite crowded. Photo highlights of the Apple Fest 2012.

Ithaca, NY
October 2012

Technically, this is a "thing" and not a "place", but I'm lazy, so it goes here. This past weekend was our annual ultimate frisbee Halloween Hat Tournament. People play in costume. This year, I went as Arthur, sidekick to the Tick. I have some photo highlights of costumes and some on-field plays of the Halloween Hat Tournament. [June 2019 Update: Now it is under the "Things" category!]

Rubber Ducky Race
Ithaca, NY,
April 2013

The annual Rubber Ducky Race was held where a few thousand rubber ducks are dropped over the Cascadilla Falls and float, er, I mean race, downstream to the finish line. It's a fundraiser (for 4-H maybe?) and was a nice Sunday afternoon for it.

Streets Alive Fest
Ithaca, NY
May 2013

Pictures from the multi-block party in Ithaca called Streets Alive which involves blocking off Cayuga Street for several blocks and having people wander about. It was a beautiful day for it, and people were walking and biking in the street, playing volleyball, juggling, and playing instruments at a park. Also, a friend of mine, Sue, had a cook out later that day. Photo highlights from both.

Perseid Meteor Shower
Ithaca, NY
August 2013

I took some pictures from the backyard of the house of some friends and next to Cornell's Mt. Pleasant Observatory during the Perseid Meteor Shower. For the most part, it's pictures of stars, rather than actual meteors (practically none), though I did see them when not taking pictures.

Taildragger Fly-in
Ithaca, NY
August 2013

Jack Henion hosted his annual taildragger fly-in at his place on the west side of the lake. There were a lot of people there and more than 15 planes flew in.

(No) Aurora Borealis
Ithaca, NY
June 2015

The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) were supposed to be visible even down in Ithaca. So I went with a few co-workers to Cornell's Mt. Pleasant Observatory around midnight. The observatory was closed but there were 20-30 people outside, star-gazing. We didn't see any auroras, but it was a clear night and we did see some cool stars.

Ithaca, NY
June 2016

FrankenFest is another name for festivities relating to my birthday. This year was my 50th birthday and I was joined by some friends for a picnic at Stewart Park at the base of Cayuga Lake. A few highlights from this year's event.

Note: this is a rare entry in which none of the pictures were taken by me, and instead provided by a couple friends (Bez and Rana).

Night Ultimate
Ithaca, NY
October 2016

I bought a new tripod for my camera a month ago. I wanted to take some pictures. We have a fall ultimate frisbee league that plays outdoors on Friday nights under lights. Here are some pictures from our game. I don't appear in any of the pictures.

Ithaca, NY
July 2019

The 4th of July fireworks were on the 3rd. They're launched from Stewart Park, but I was watching them from ass Park across the inlet after a frisbee game.

Spooky Salad
Ithaca, NY
October 2019

Some picture of a Spooky Salad I made for a Halloween party. Radishes, mini-pepers, and other things were carved and sculpted. It's pretty simple, but it amused me.

Still waiting to see what develops...

Get it? Get it?
Bwaaaaahaaahaaahaaahaaaa! Oh merCY!...

This page last modified Aug 31, 2024.
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