On January 8, 2024, a day or two after we got a reasonable amount of snow and a day before we got a sizeable amount of rain, I went out for a quick expedition to take some snow pictures, while the snow was still around. I went to Sapsucker Woods and then Sunset Park. I used my 50mm (equivalent) lens at Sapsucker Woods since it is lightweight. For some of the pictures, I used the "poor man's wide angle lens" which is to say I took a bunch of pictures and stitched them together in Photoshop, so many are larger than average.
Sapsucker Woods is two wooded areas by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology across the highway from the Ithaca Airport. Oddly enough, it's not that loud and the animals don't seem to care. Next to the lab there's a big pond with trails around it. On the other side of the road is a wooded area with trails that include an artwork by Andy Goldsworthy. The trails aren't very long but they're pleasant to walk around and often it's not crowded at all (well, especially in winter).
Latte ice! I think the little pool went through a few freeze/thaw cycles...(more)
Panoramic shopw of the pond by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology with the Lab...(more)
A shelter by the pond by the Lab of Ornithology. It's a combination of 4x4...(more)
Panoramic view of one of the trees growing around and through one of the...(more)
Another veritcal panoramic shot of how a living tree is slowly ripping the...(more)
Another view of the metal statue of the bird, the pond, and two geese in the...(more)
Sunset Park is a very small park (or pull-off) in Cayuga Heights on the south west side of Caygua Lake with a nice view of the lake.