The train arrive at the Voss station and we left the station and
walked a few hundred feet (following the crowd) to the buses
in the parking lot. There were several of them, all part of the
"Norway in a Nutshell" tour. Didn't matter which one we
got in. We stowed our suitcases and then got on the bus. It was
about an hour bus ride. The road follwed a river in a valley between
snow-capped mountains. Again, very scenic.
Stephane had the window seat (left side of the bus),
so it was harder for me to get decent pictures. She took a few
pictures and I took pictures looking right, left, and back), so
this is more along the lines of documenting the trip.
Also, since a lot of it is hills, river, and road, I've identified
some of the locations, but not all. Turns out the sign at the front
of the bus saying the stop when someone requested a stop wasn't constant
illumination but would flicker faster than the human eye can see, but
not faster than the camera. However, I was able to reconstruct the
names of the stops by checking online maps and routes. So I could
get a sense of the area we were near, though I couldn't identify
mountains and such.
I'm OK with that.
Thursday April 18, 2019.
The first stop was Mykylbust (seen on the orange display at the front of the...(more)
Kroken road is also on the map. The bus stop would be Sundve Skule if we were...(more)
I'm not sure but Oppheimsvatnet Lake is the next time the river would have...(more)
The Nærøydalselvi becomes the Nærøyfjord, which is where we will catch the boat...(more)
The Hylland bus stop where the road crosses the Nærøydalselvi River. Yes, I...(more)